A Bass Bite So Good the "Bad Wind" Doesn't Shut It Down.
We are 10 days away from our annual Grumpy Santa event. All info in the photo above. Come in and see Grumpy Hisself dressed as Santa. It’s worth it.
The holidays are coming quickly. If you don’t know what your favorite angler wants, you can always get a gift card. We have two options, an online version good for the online store, or, if your angler likes seeing stuff in person first, an in-store gift card good only in the brick & mortar store. You can always get a piece of Grumpy clothing to go with it. Or….
… You can always go with a Grumpys Gift Basket from MaiTai. Packed with stuff your favorite angler can use, even if they “have everything.” Available both in-store and online.
The fishing in the surf for striped bass has still been anywhere from good to “whoa, that was #!@&%* crazy.” (* substitute whatever descriptive word(s) you feel appropriate for #!@&%). Even with the strong south wind and driving rain, fish were caught in the surf on Wednesday. You needed to use something heavy to cut the wind, so metals and jigs were the way to go. Plugs, even heavy poppers, blew down the beach too quickly.
For all those who stayed home because of the weather, you missed it. But all hope is not lost. After dark the wind went hard west, so the conditions will be similar to the last 2 times we had huge blitzes up and down the northern ocean county coastline. Will the third time be the charm?
Some notable recent catches:
Francesco and his mom Michele got into the bass Tuesday! 3rd cast and he got dinner. His first one! Congrats buddy!
Frankie Z even got away from the reel repair bench to grab a few. Look at how happy he is too.
@gmiller10000 and @jayboots93_ with just a epic morning before the wind came on. Countless bass on just about everything they threw. And the fish were feeding well, look at those bellies.
You know the fishing is good when Ray goes fishing the surf for Striped Bass two times in less than the span of a week. Especially when he goes out in a howling south wind and rain. He Is going to lose his boat fishing tautog credentials if he keeps this up. At least he wore waders this time. Here he is with Jenni, double up with bass in the heavy south wind and rain using S&S Bucktails Pro Rockhopper jigs. (Jenni said Jenn-X was the hot color)
Ray flipped the holiday switch in the shop. Ray thinks it worked like the video below, but the rest of us know flipping the switch means telling Jenni to put up Christmas decorations.