A powder keg waiting to explode.... (also tournament weekend and the Tupperware Navy Swap Meet!

A powder keg waiting to explode.... (also tournament weekend and the Tupperware Navy Swap Meet!

As the October water starts to cool, we're seeing more and more bunker on the beach. If you've been fishing the past couple years, you know we're hoping we get a repeat of what happened there. While we haven't seen the migratory bass pushing in yet, we're hoping it's any day now. Interestingly enough, we're also hearing of sand eels washing up on the beach, and the bass that we are seeing have the tell tale sand eel belly. The cover photo shows exactly that which was landed on an  Ava, but any sand eel imitation will work well such as the Joe Baggs Sandeel, Tsunami Sandeel, or even something like a sand eel colored  Hydro Minnow and don't forget the teasers! Make sure you're ready before the fish get here! Check your guides for breaks, check your line, water test your waders, or buy yourself that new SaltX II Reel or rod you've been looking at.

Sea bass fishing has been good on the near shore wrecks, and better on the inshore wrecks. Slow Pitch Jigs have been working best, but they're doing just fine on rigs as well. Speaking of sea bass, we just a big restock of Quantum Accurists which are killer for sea bass.

The canyon bite has been going off for Tuna, so if you can get the weather window, get out there! We're stocked up on all your jig and pop needs, so stop in and stock up!


Julio landed a solid bluefish off the surf tonight. There’s a lot of life out here right now, with adult bunker moving into the area the past 24 hours. Getting interesting!


A mystery angler reported good fishing off the rocks for blackfish with this 2.70 coming home for dinner!

@highiron60 with a nice bass caught off the surf on a Voodoo Shad! Keep an eye on the patterns from the previous years’ fall run psssttt it’s now October and we’ve been seeing some big fishing coming in after the blow. Will history repeat itself? Go out there and find out for yourselves FISH FISH FISH!


Scott tossed some mullet and got a bluefish for his birthday! Happy birthday!



Another day with a ton of bluefish. Here’s Melissette DeLaney with a 1.6 lb on Grumpys mullet



@dominick.longo with a nice mixed bag this morning with reports of bluefish and this striped bass! Signs of the fall run are starting to show!!


Just a reminder that the Tupperware Navy Flea Market is happening this Saturday at 9:00 AM, right next door at the Seaside Park Tri-Boro First Aid. Entry is only $3! After checking out the flea market, swing by our shop and show your wristband to receive a special discount on your order!


Did you sign up for Nick's tournament? Good luck!


Lastly, there is a bill in the NJ assembly to give free access to the mean high tide line for surfers and anglers. We highly encourage you to call and email your representatives to ask them to support and sponsor the bill. You can use this pre-written letter here, or feel free to speak from the heart. You can find the legislator for you are here.

