Moving into a summer pattern
We have some pretty good news all around.
First, some online store news. We have restocked a few items that we were out of. The S&S Bucktails Fluke Nukem Jigs have been reloaded in the smaller sizes. These jigs are perfect for both jigging from a boat and jigging from the surf. The smaller sizes sold out quickly as they were the size perfect for the back bay fluke. They have been replenished.
We have also restocked the very popular S&S Bucktails John Skinner Smiling Bill Jigs. We were completely out of white. Not anymore. The other colors have been padded up too.
In shop we have a special for you. We have a product on display called The Shore Shoe. Come in and check them out. They are essentially a sandal with a wide base, perfect for long walks on a sandy beach. Some of the best fluke fishermen in the surf walk a few miles on the beach, casting into different holes and bar edges looking for keeper fluke. It’s tiring putting that much distance in soft sand barefoot or in standard footwear. These sandals, with their wide bases, make that much easier. But they are not just for fluke fishermen. Beachcombers, sea glass hunters, or even the person who wants to get across the hot sand without burning their feet will love these. Check them out at https://theshoreshoe.com/. If you purchase them online, use the code TSSGRUMPYS to get them for $68.50 (down from a retail price of $129.00).
We have been hearing more about big striped bass in the surf, but unfortunately no pictures today. Regular customer Joe Bergen was out Sunday night into early Monday morning on IBSP and had 4 nice fish on fresh bunker. We also heard of someone (who shall remain nameless to protect their identity, and because Ray wouldn’t say who it was so I couldn't tell you if I wanted to) who was using a half of a bunker for shark off the beach and hooked “the biggest striped bass they had ever seen.” They unfortunately lost the fish in the wash.
All of the bass we have heard of in the surf recently have been taken on natural bait, either salted clams or fresh bunker. Remember, you need to use inline circle hooks when using bait.
We have also been hearing about some bluefish in the surf during the day. Surface plugs have taken them.
The fluke are still biting in the surf on jigs and Gulp!. The backwaters are still producing some fluke too, but there have been a lot of shorts to cull through to get a keeper. And the near-shore artificial reefs are starting to give up some flatfish.
We mentioned in our previous report that the local crabbing is picking up. Grumpys employee George Miller went out to prove it, catching a bunch of crabs off of a local dock on Grumpy bunker, as can be seen in the picture above. Not only is George a good crabber, but he is also an excellent cook…
Sea bass fishing off the boats has been fantastic. Clams and squid are the bait they are looking for, and tubeless ava jigs are doing a number on them too.
We have an out of state report, otherwise known as an "Other Peoples' Fish" (OPF) report. Our own Blackcloud Bob went north to Massachusetts to catch fluke. Word is he got a 9.6 pound fluke, but no pictures because “it wasn’t double digits Ray”. The crazy thing about this trip is Bob worked all day (and night) on Saturday, had a fishing charter on Sunday in NJ, stopped in the shop to do a couple last minute things late Sunday afternoon, then drove north for his Monday morning OPF charter. We aren’t really sure how he made the drive on that little sleep, but we have our suspicions…