What is here, and what is coming...
Skipping the shop update because we have a couple of announcements in the works, but nothing is quite ready for it’s closeup.
As for the local fishing, in the immediate area, it’s been a little slow. The anglers on the beach fishing bunker have been getting a nice stiped bass here and there, but most are reporting getting dogfish. Same for the boats fishing locally.
But there is some good news. We have been getting reports of lots of striped bass up off of Monmouth County. Ray and Steve were out today and found plenty of fish feeding on bunker. They used Tsunami shads for most of their fish. They didn’t take any pictures for the report, so we gotta go one their word. Now we all know Ray can exaggerate, but Steve can be trusted. These fish are moving south, so we should see them soon.
Here are some notable catches:
Steve Waterson with a 34 inch 14.1 pound bass on bunker.
Congrats to our new customer Tyler Bender on this absolute beauty he caught Friday night on Fresh Bunker. He deserved this fish battling those monsoon-like conditions Friday night.
Nice weigh in this Sunday by Ken, caught on bunker.
@coreylapenna found some bass on a white paddle tail Sunday morning.
Shel E Caris reported good action north of the shop on Sunday.
John Walters had this slob on a Tsunami shad aboard the Miss Michelle
George Miller with one of those days Monday. The fall migration is in full force to our north and it’s working its way south.
As I mentioned before, Ray and Steve went fishing today. It was a work day for both of them, but they both spurned their duties for Grumpys and went fishing. I don’t blame Steve, because if the boss says “Let’s go fishing”, you go fishing. But Ray however…
(And note, that is the best Ray’s hair has looked in a long time…)