A Good Start

Fishing Reports, In-Store Pickup, New Stuff, product, Spot Burn, Striped bass, Winter Bass, Winter Flounder -

A Good Start

We have added a new lure to the shop and online store that look like they are going to be killer.  The Nomad Designs Shikari Jerkbait are a 5 ¾ inch, 1 oz long plastic swimmer.  It has a tungsten weight transfer system for long casts.  It dives 3 to 4 feet deep and can be fished several ways.  As its title suggests, it can be fished as a jerkbait, in which twitches of the rods will cause it to jerk and dart around in a way most fish cannot resist.  It can also be fished with a steady retrieve where the lip will give it an action described as a nose to tail whole body wiggle.  It can also be trolled which will give it a nice body roll imitating a wounded baitfish. 

We also received a nice order of Gibbs lures

We are expecting a shipment of Ben Parker Flutter Spoons any day now.  We have added a new size, the 9 inch Super Magnum, and two new colors, the Blueback HD and Shattered Glass Silver.  Once they arrive they will be put out on our shelves and added to the online store.  Also, to make room for the new models, we moved the 6.5 inch Mini Magnums to be exclusive to the online store.  If you want one of these, but you don’t want to pay for shipping, we have In Store Pickup available.  You can buy from your home (or work, we won’t tell…) and pick up in the shop at your convenience. 

The fishing has been very good since the back bay opened.  We have been hearing about a lot of striped bass being caught and have even received a few pictures.  Here are some of the highlights


TommyKohr sent us this photo of a nice striped bass he caught using an S&S Bucktails Savage Shad on an S&S Bucktails Northeast Jighead


John Miller sent in this photo of a bass he caught locally in the dark.


Jerry also sent us this picture of a nice bass caught locally.  However, we suspect the background has been photoshopped slightly. Maybe...


Another “in the dark” fish, our own Online Sales Manager got this fish, plus a couple of others on his way home from work the other evening.  They fell for a Kettle Creek Shad rigged on an S&S Bucktails Bullet Head Jig.


Striped Bass were not the only game in town.  Johnny O of Inspiration Charters had a good day with winter flounder out on Barnegat Bay.  Blood worms and fish bites are the ticket for these tasty fish.  And don’t forget your clam chum. 

Those of you who have been in the shop recently have probably noticed some changes.  Those who haven’t, well, what are you waiting for?  We have improved some wall space down by the rod building area.  We moved around some of the rod racks hanging from the ceiling.  We moved the Gulp! to the back wall and the rigs to where the Gulp! was to make it easier to find what you want in either spot.  In most of those instances, power tools were required.  Bob insisted he do that work because, for one, Bob loves tools and for two, Ray uses power tools wrong…