Day of the Drum
Sunday at Grumpys was the day of the drum. We had three weigh ins, plus heard of a bunch of nice fish.
But first, or main picture is a special one. The happy young fisherman with the nice fluke is Brian Larkin. He came in last year and ordered a custom rod from Blackcloud Bob. What made it special was he saved up for the rod all by himself. He earned the money cutting lawns. The fluke he is holding was on his first drift with the new rod. Congratulation Brian! Good job all around!
Now on to the drum. We had three weigh ins on Sunday. Here they are in order of arrival.
First to the scale was Frank J Lobascio with a nice 31 inch, 16.5 pound specimen. He landed it out on Island Beach State Park using salted clams.
Next up was Josh Quintenos with a 43 inch, 37 pound black drum. This one also fell for salted clams out on Island Beach State Park.
And the final fish came in just before we closed the store on Sunday. Mike Cangialosi brought in a 41 inch, 39 pound black drum. Also taken from IBSP, but this one was different. It fell for fresh shucked clams (which we received a shipment of Sunday afternoon).
The common thread here, besides Island Beach State Park, is that black drum like clams, just like Scott…
As far as other species of fish, the reports remain the same as previous fishing reports.
So, since Thursday we have been reporting that Ray was camping. We have to make a confession. We were not being completely honest with you with our reports, and we owe you an apology. We are very sorry. To make up for it we are coming clean and letting you know where Ray has actually been since Thursday. He was having a minor medical procedure done. Don’t worry, it was not a dangerous one, and it turns out it was completely successful. He had a hair transplant done. So, we now present Ray’s first picture with his new hair plugs.