Ray Thawed Out
We received a big order today. Sixty five boxes. It warmed Ray so much he totally thawed out since the last fishing report. And even grew some hair (see the picture...).
We will have a lot of restocking to do, but should have it all out well before the weekend. What did we get? Wait and see, we still have boxes to open...
Oh yeah, right. You are here for a fishing report...
It's been a blizzard since the last report. The ocean has been in "Victory at Sea" mode for the past few days. The waves are reaching to, and in some spots eating into, the bases of the dunes. We have some crazy customers, but none are crazy enough to fish in these conditions (we hope). And no, that was not a dare nor a challenge...
Now is a good time to prepare for the upcoming season. For starters, if you are going to fish in NJ, you need to sign up or renew your saltwater registry card. Do that here: https://www.nj.gov/dep/saltwaterregistry/
Island Beach State Park is now selling the mobile sportfishing permits, and we understand they are selling quickly. Last year they ran out, so don't wait too long. You can get yours online here: https://yourpassnow.com/ParkPass/nj
Also, this year, if you are using natural bait to fish for striped bass, you need to use inline circle hooks. We have them here: Mustad Ultra Point Octopus Inline Circle Hooks