The Fishing Is Getting Hot Locally
We have more to report, as we have had reports coming in all day. But first, a word from our sponsors…
We have reloaded with the Black Hole Challenger Bank rods, specifically, the 701 models. There are fantastic lightweight 7-foot rods perfect for fishing the shorelines of the backwaters, or off of a boat. Check them out.
We have a new product in the shop from Midway lures. They have a new resin jig available. Coming in at 1 oz and 3 inches long, this will be perfect for many species of fish, but the false albacore and Spanish mackerel are going to fall hard for this one. We have them in the store, and in the online store. Come check them out. (And Midway assures us some more Swizzle Sticks are on the way, along with some FC Minnows).
And now for our regularly scheduled programming…
The local fishing was hot yesterday. We got reports from all over the place. In case you missed the news, the big bluefish are here. Our new apprentice rod builder, Connor “Chaka” Thompson got a nice one off a local beach. This same cover picture above is posted to our Instagram account. Please go over and give it a like and make Chaka happy.
Connor’s fish wasn’t the only one from the beach, we heard of many, and even had one come in and hit the scale. Bob Clemons invited a 10.5 pound bluefish home. He caught it on an SP Minnow.
We also heard of “lights out” fishing from one of the local inlets. We are not saying which one. There are only two you could consider local to the shop, so you have a 50/50 chance. And, quite frankly, if they were in one of the local inlets, they were likely in the other. Just go fish.
The striped bass are still here too. Our customer Matt Amzler got this one off the beach on an SP Minnow.
There are still lots of small bass in the bay. James Budish got this little guy on a pink 5” kettle creek shad rigged on an S&S Bullethead Jig. He was released after the picture (the fish, not James).
Ray was feeling a bit left out, so he wanted us to show his big catch. He got a Yellow Bank Pond Mud Carp, his favorite fish. He probably got it on a watermelon Senko, his favorite lure...