Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On
But first, shop news…
We got a big drop of items from Jigging World this week, and from that, we added three new rods to the shop and online store. First are the new Nexus 2.0 Inshore, both spinning and casting. Just when you thought the Nexus was a perfect rod, Jigging World goes and finds ways to improve them. We also added the Black Widow line of rods and, for the offshore crowd, the Luminous Popping rods
We also got a nice shipment of lures from Wallys Tackle. Dannys, Long 9’s (big round nose swimmers), pencil poppers and Bull Its. These are all well made, solidly built wooden lures at a great price point, in 4 simple fish catching colors.
Z-Man also sent us stuff. We restocked on the popular Diezel MinnowZ, and also added two new items. First, are the Kicker CrabZ. These imitate a frightened crab fleeing from a predator. Striped Bass, Weakfish and even Fluke won’t pass up a crab meal when they get a chance to grab one. Pair with Pro-Cure Shedder Crab Super Gel for a deadly combination.
The next from Z-Man is the Mulletron LT. An accurate mullet imitation with a line through feature. This allows the lure to slide up the line after hook up which prevents the fish from using the lure’s weight for leverage to dislodge the hook, plus it protects the soft plastic from toothier critters during the fight.
As far as the fishing goes, the recent Nor’Easter put a ton of water into the back bay, which sems to have either shut things down, or chased away the anglers (we suspect a little of both, but more of the latter). Either way, the bay levels are returning to normal and we have nice weather predicted for the weekend, so we should see it pick right back up. As before, worms will be the ticket.
We have heard of a few fish caught from the surf, but nothing concrete yet. It does however seem like that is starting up.
We haven’t had any blackfish reports because this weather has kept most boats in port. That should change this weekend. We have green crabs for those who want to give it a try.
Grumpys Tackle was evacuated on Friday for the first time in its history. (It can be argued that both Ray and Scott have produced their own noxious evacuation events before, but those just pushed people closer to sources of fresh air, so they were not true evacuations.) But on Friday, 4/5/24, everyone was chased out of Grumpys. We cannot even blame it on Scott or Ray. And for those who don’t know, New Jersey experienced a 4.8 magnitude earthquake today, centered up in northern NJ. To put it mildly, Ray was not fond of it. That’s actually quite an understatement. He chased everyone outside to safety, including himself. Well, here are some reenactments of Ray’s reactions during the earthquake.