Merry Christmas From Grumpys Tackle

Fishing Reports, Striped bass, Winter Bass -

Merry Christmas From Grumpys Tackle

From all of the staff here at Grumpys Tackle, we wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas. 

Just a reminder for this weekend, we are currently operating under our winter hours, which are 7:00 am to 7:00 pm.  For Christmas Eve (Sunday) we will be closing at 12:00 pm (i.e. Noon).  For Christmas Day (Monday) we will be closed. 

The fishing still has not recovered from the heavy swell on Monday.   The ocean water is still turbid within a mile of the beach (and further) and the water temps are in the low 40’s.  Does this mean it’s over?  Maybe not.  One of our employees, Online Store John, was out Thursday looking for striped bass.  He and his brother marked bait and fish steadily from Manasquan Inlet to Barnegat Inlet between 30 and 60 feet of water.  They tried jigging Bill Hurleys, NLBNs and Joe Baggs but the fish had lockjaw.  Not sure if it was the water color, water temperature or remaining heavy groundswell.  They did manage to get one fish on the troll on a white mojo.  So hopefully as the water cleans up the bite will start back up.



Last report I mentioned Ray might have been visited by three ghosts.  Here are the three ghosts…