New Rods and Muppet-Puppets.  Oh, and fish of course.

Black Drum, Fishing Reports, Fluke, IBSP, island beach state park, New Stuff, product, Spot Burn, Spring Run, Striped bass, surfcasting -

New Rods and Muppet-Puppets. Oh, and fish of course.

We have a number of shop and online store updates for you.

The shop is currently fully stocked with S&S Bucktails.  Isn’t that full wall of bucktails a thing of beauty?  We have a style bucktail available for whatever you want to do.  With fluke season here in NJ starting to get rolling and striped bass showing up further north in New England, you may want to take this chance to stock up on bucktails now.

We added a couple of new products to he online store.  First are the ODM Jigster Surf Rods.  This line of rods from ODM were specifically designed for fishing the Cape Cod Canal.  They are also great for throwing heavy lures into rough seas or raging currents (such as in an inlet). We hear fishing in the Cape Cod Canal is heating up, now is the time to upgrade your gear to a Jigster.

We also added a brand of rod that is under-rated, or dare we say practically unknown, in the Northeast.  Anglers from the south will recognize the name immediately.  We have had Carolina Cast Pro rods available in the shop, and now we offer them online.  The 10’, 1-4 oz rod is a perfect rod for fishing Montauk, while the 11’ 2-5 oz version will be a great rod for throwing pencil poppers or big gliders in the Cape Cod Canal.  Of course, they will both work locally too, with he 1-4 oz being extremely versatile.  What makes the rods we offer here even more special is that they are NOT factory rods.  They are “Custom Spec” rods, hand built in Grumpys with a handle design and guide layout by Blackcloud Bob.  They go through the same build process as a fully custom rod, but you don’t have the long wait. 

As far as fishing goes, the black drum are still around, and are still eating clams (both fresh shucked and salted).  We currently have both available in shop.

So yesterday we said the striped bass we mostly keying on bait (clams and bunker).  While that is still true, we had one photo sent in that shows there are outliers.  Porter sent us this picture of his personal best striped bass, pulling the tape measure out to 46 inches?  Did it take bait?  Nope.  It hit a 6 inch Tsunami Holographic Sand Eel. Nice fish Porter.

The fluke are still being cooperative on jigs and Gulp!.  The back bays are still the most consistent, but the inlets and the surf are still producing their fair share of fish too.  The boats going offshore to deeper water have been mostly quiet, but the ones who do find fish have found quality fish.  We have heard (and seen pics of) a 6+ and 7+ pound fluke caught recently out of casting range for the beach.  Very out of casting range…

Sometimes in these reports we show you insights into how the shop works.  Here’s one of those times.  As you probably know from reading these reports, we don’t always take everything seriously.  Especially when it comes to poor old Ray.  Ray at one time, in frustration,  called Bob and John “muppet-puppets”, referring to Statler and Waldorf, the two old-man muppets in The Muppet Show who give the cast and crew a hard time.  He is not wrong.  Bob and John can also be compared to two other fictional characters; Hawkeye Pierce and Trapper John from M.A.S.H.  Observe…

When they get going, Ray gets a look of frustration similar to Father Mulcahey…