Still Some Fish Around
Shop news…
We have added what is going to be a hot new lure this spring. Tsunami did their homework with this one and word on the streets (or beaches) is that it is the best twitch bait to come out. We got them Wednesday and they are selling like crazy. Check out the new 5 inch Tsunami Tidal Pro Twitch Bait.
We have also added two new colorways to the Grumpys Vintage Logo Hat, Light Blue and Tan.
This next part may sound familiar to regular readers of the report since the reports we have been getting haven't changed…
So how is the fishing? Better than you think (and better than current participation is showing). There are striped bass in the surf, and they are eating sand eels. The anglers having the best luck with them are using ava jigs with a teaser in front of them. Bill Hurleys and Tsunami Holographic Sand Eels should be in your bag too.
The blackfish are being cooperative for most anglers going out. It seems you have to run a little deeper lately to be successful. Both rigs and jigs are working, but rigs tend to shine more when fishing the deeper wrecks.
The other day we were having one of our usual discussions in the shop. The subject matter isn’t important, but Ray had a catachresis that derailed the conversation. He said “…and that really angried me.” Yes, that is exactly how he used that word. Of course, that inspired todays lampoon of Raymond. With that, we present “Raymond, the angried drunken dwarf.”