It's Flukin' Time
As usual, shop news…
Does your kid get jealous of your fancy Grumpys t-shirt? Well, we now have something for them. We have Youth Sized Grumpys T-shirts (or Yute sized if you hail from north of the shop…). Available both online and in the shop.
We have restocked on the very popular Tsunami Salt-X Seahook Splash Top. If you were waiting for a size to be available, now is the time to pick one of these jackets up (unless you are looking for Small. Unfortunately, you will have to wait a little longer)
Fishing has been good, especially if you are looking for fluke. While there are still some stripers around (mostly small ones eating sand crabs and a few larger ones still eating clams) and some bluefish around (throw a popper or a spook in the morning), fluke have been the star of the show. Bucktails and Gulp! (on a bucktail teaser rig) or fish a sand crab just past the wash for your best shot at one.
We are also hearing the fluke fishing on the local inshore reefs are heating up.
Some notable recent catches:
Brian Arling with a 21 inch, 3.4 pound fluke caught on Gulp!
Legendary Larry scored again with his personal best surf fluke. 22 inches and 4.34 pounds.
"Hey Cool" Talarico with a couple of Surf Fluke up to 2.95 pounds. With a bucktail and Gulp! on a fluke teaser rig.
Beautiful Surf Fluke! Here’s Donovan McCormack with a 24 inch 5.05 pound fluke he caught off the surf. Some really nice fluke in the suds right now.
Here is a visual representation of Ray returning to work on Thursday. How long until he forgets not to let the inmates run the asylum and goes off camping again?