The striped bass bite has started

Fishing Reports, Free Shipping, In-Store Pickup, Striped bass, surfcasting, White Perch, Winter Bass, Winter Flounder -

The striped bass bite has started

Lately all you see in the news are headlines about prices rising.  We get it, it is very frustrating.  Well, we have some good news for you.  We have been working diligently to bring down shipping costs for the past few months, and are happy to report we have been successful.  First, for our general shipping items, due to the good fall and winter season we have had, we were able to secure discounts on shipping via USPS and UPS.  While we could have pocketed the discount and not told anyone about it, we are passing it along to our customers.  We have applied that discount and it has been in place since mid-January.

But we have a bigger reason for this announcement.  The other area where we were able to reduce shipping costs is for rods.  Shipping a rod is ridiculously expensive, but, after digging through tons of data, we have implemented a tier system that will save our customers on shipping a rod.  Most of our rods will now ship for a flat rate of $15.  Of the rods remaining, most of the rest will ship for a $25 flat rate fee, and a small portion of rods will ship for a $30 or $35 flat rate.   There are 4 rods currently on the site that are oversize and will need to ship in a box longer than 96 inches.  Unfortunately for those we will still need to charge market price to ship them (though the number that will be quoted for shipping will have the discounts above applied).  You always have the option to choose “In Store Pickup” instead of shipping to save shipping costs and pick the rod up at the shop yourself.


Looking to get into rod building or are you looking to fine tune your rod wrapping skills? We’re happy to announce that the Grumpy NERBS Gathering is back in the shop Saturday, March 11th. Open to all skill levels, we're putting together a topics list and doing our best to make sure there is something of interest for everyone!


  • A Pro's Approach to fine tuning guide layouts with Bob Hryszko. IF the weather is nice he will go outside and test cast and fine tune a guide layout.
  • Blank design Life Cycle - Billy Vivona will walk though his process of blank design and construction, using prototype samples from Rod Forge.
  • Installing Fuji Reel seat inserts, trim, and winding checks
  • Handle sizing surf & boat rods.
  • Using The Southern Rodbuilders Decorative Wrap Layout jig for basic diamonds, chevrons, and beyond.
  • Ask the Experts table - We will have a station for you to ask any of The NERBs any questions about rodbuilding and get some one on one attention to your question.

Fee for this event is $40 which will include lunch and drinks. We’ll also have donuts in the morning. This event is always a fantastic time and we look forward to seeing everyone March 11th from 9am-5pm! If you plan on going please let us know on our events page on Facebook.  

The local back bay striped bass bite has been a little hot and cold.  Some anglers are finding them, while others are striking out.  This minor cold snap we just had might be the culprit.  You will definitely want to fish the outgoing tide where the warmer water is pulling back in the deeper parts of the bay after warming up in the shallows.   

We haven't heard much on the winter flounder bite yet.  But we do have bloodworms in stock for those who want to go.  And those bloodworms will work for striped bass and white perch too.

Here are some notable catches:

@igchris_b got out Wednesday night and found them.  Gliders were the lure of choice for these fish. 

 Harper Grace got out with her uncle George Miller and found the fish last night. They all were caught on gliders. (Nice hat Harper!)


@fishingwithcasey_ found some healthy schoolie bass willing to play.  


@igchris_b again with a daylight fish on a popper.

Ray was in a good mood today.  He is either happy to see fish being caught again or is happy with the new shipping prices.  Regardless, we caught him dancing in the office…