Whoa-Zuri. And Hats. And Bass.
Shop News First…
For those not on social media, you missed the video Jenni posted about the new premium trucker hats she designed for Grumpys. If you want to see it, check it out right here. The new hats are awesome mid rise, 6 panel trucker hats in some great colors with some nice little features you don’t normally see in a trucker hat. As with any trucker hat, the back 4 panels are mesh to keep your noggin cool, and there is a plastic snap on the back to adjust for any sized noggin. What is different is under the brim is a complementary color to the rest of the hat. The brim comes with a slight bend that you can adjust as you see fit, just as you would any other trucker hat. And the front panels have a patch designed by Jenni that has the Grumpy Fish logo and an angler on a jetty hooked up to something big in the middle of blitz. It's like a scene from every surfcaster’s dream. Don’t worry boat anglers, these hats will look stylish on a boat too.
We got in a decent sized shipment from Yo-Zuri. Unfortunately a couple items were backordered but we were able to do a nice restock and add a few new items to the store and website.
First is the new Yo-Zuri Hydro Monster Shot. These plugs look like a Yo-Zuri Mag Darter and an Epoxy Jig had a baby. They are a very versatile lure in that they can be fished from the surface to the bottom, and everywhere in between. It can be worked multiple productive ways. Letting it sink, it falls downward horizontally with a wobble that mimics a dying baitfish. It can be retrieved with a twitch which will give it a darting action. The weight of these allows an angler to jig them. On a straight, steady retrieve it has a wide wobble and, lastly, on a fast retrieve you can burn it across the surface, a retrieve the false albacore love.
We also added the Yo-Zuri Hydro Twitch Bait. This is like a larger, beefier version of the productive Yo-Zuri 3D Inshore Twitch Bait. The Hyrdo is 6 inches long and almost 3 ounces, so it will target the biggest fish out there. Through-wire construction will allow you to even target offshore species like tuna and albacore, or other species that punish lures like big tarpon. Unfortunately, most of our order for this lure was backordered, so we only have one color available right now. Get it while you can.
Another Yo-Zuri addition is the Yo-Zuri 3D Inshore Topknock Pencil. If you are not sure whether this is a good lure or not, just check out some of the YouTube fishermen from the southern states and see how often these are used for snook, seatrout and redfish. Guess what, they work on striped bass, bluefish and weakfish too.
We added some new colors to our Yo-Zuri Hyrdo Minnow and Yo-Zuri 3D Inshore Twitch Bait offerings too.
It’s not all Yo-Zuri here, however. We also did a big restock of Ben Parker Saltwater Heavy Duty Magnum Spoons. All colors of 8 inch and 9 inch spoons are available. At least for now, as these go fast.
As far as the fishing goes, the striped bass fishing remains good. Not lights out, not great, but good. Bunker chunks have been working the best, but clams have taken a few fish and it seems the anglers fishing lures are starting to take more fish. Low/No light conditions are the time to go, especially for the lure anglers. Also, no real hot spots as we have heard of fish both north and south of the shop.
The back bay is still producing smaller bass for those fishing lures. The usual suspects (kettle creek shads, Tsunami shads, and Rapala X-Raps) are working.
Her are some notable catches:
Gregg came in Saturday to ask about some lures to fish in the back bay and picked up a Rapala X-Rap and Sienna was able to get a 22 inch bass on it! Congrats! Awesome catch! One of the best things about being in this industry is getting kids on fish, and this makes it all worth it.
Mike Marano with a 32 inch 12.8 pound bass caught on bunker in the surf.
Ralph came in with this 30 inch 8.20 pound Bass from the surf on a Yo-Zuri Mag Darter.
@igchris_b had an evening! All from the surf on Scabelly Swimmers! Nice job pal.
Our very Scott with a nice “warm up season” Tog he got on an S&S Bucktails White Chin Wrecker. It weighed 4.6 pounds. Scott consumed it immediately after this picture. No, he did not cook it…
@njbaugh picked up a Yo-Zuri Mag Darter and found some fish today.
While we just got through Halloween, and the next holiday is Thanksgiving, as a retailer we have been preparing for Christmas for a while now. Ray has been prematurely getting into the Christmas spirit and, to be perfectly honest, it is freaking the rest of us out. Now you can be freaked out too…