Sand Eels Are Here
But first, shop news…
Our shop news is more restock alerts than actual news.
We have restocked the Van Staal hoodies. Those sold out quickly, but we got more in. They are a very nice weather proof hoodie that will make just about anyone look good.
We also restocked on another hot seller, the NLBN soft plastics and jig heads. The 5 inch and 8 inch models went fast. We expect with the smaller fish moving in, the 3 inch models are going to become a hot commodity very soon too.
We added another new color to the Shel E. Caris teasers online, purple with peacock herl. This is a great night time teaser.
If you are not sure what to get your difficult to shop for anlger, may we suggest you look at one of the Grumpys Gifts? We have three options. We still have a small number of Grumpys Gift Baskets left. Once these run out we are done with them until next year. We have two types of Gift cards available. We have the Online Gift Cards that are good for our online store, and we have our In-Store Gift Cards which are good for, yup, you guessed it, in-store purchases. If your angler likes to stop in the store and get the Grumpy treatment in person, go with the in-store gift card. If they live far away, or just prefer to stay home to shop, give them the online gift card. In either case, the gift cards never expire.
Just a reminder, we are coming up on the time when you are going to have to re-register for the NJ Saltwater Fishing Registry. You technically don’t need to do it until January first (or just before you make your first cast of 2023), but it doesn’t hurt too do it now and get it out of the way. And it’s free. Here’s the website: https://dep.nj.gov/saltwaterregistry/
So, as far as the fishing goes, we have been hearing some positive reports. The size of the striped bass being caught have gotten smaller, so no weigh ins, but the good news is we have heard that the bite has switched from peanut bunker to sand eels. We have received reports about daytime and nighttime bites, with the night bite being much better. (Which is why we suspect pictures are scarce). The classic sand eel stuff, like Avas with teasers, Hurley sand eel imitations, Tsunami Sand eels, and needlefish plugs have all worked.
Here are some notable catches.
Ever dependable George Miller got out and sent in these photos of the fish he was getting on sand eel imitations.
Raymond Davis Jr would like to wish everyone who celebrates a very Happy Hanukkah.