We Interrupt Our Irregularly Scheduled Fishing Report
Attention all anglers! This sign may be in your future. We need your help to prevent it. Due to the terms of the beach replenishment agreements, the federal & state government is encouraging municipalities to restrict or possibly even cease beach buggy permits to protect an endangered plant species, called Seabeach Amaranth, that has been found on the beach.
There will be a meeting in Brick tonight (7/26/2022), which we are strongly encouraging all anglers to attend. What happens here is not important for just Brick, but it sets the precedent for what happens in other shore towns. If one falls, they can all fall like dominos, which will result in losing fishing access entirely.
Please attend and let your voice be heard so we can ensure fisherman's access and rights throughout the entire striper coast. The meeting will be in Brick, NJ at the municipal hall at 401 Chambersbridge Road at 7 PM. Click here to get Google directions.
If you do attend, please be respectful as we are sure to have more of a positive impact in doing so.