What are you doing reading a fishing report on the internet? Now is the time to get out there. Don’t read reports, go out and make reports.
No shop news today as the striped bass fishing has been Crazy Eddie Insane. There have been big bass being landed on bunker, big metal lip swimmers, and pencil poppers all over the place. We have had reports in the shop coming in from way north of the shop down to the end of IBSP. Even some further south.
One reminder we need to make. You cannot snag and drop for stiped bass the way you used to do. You must use inline circle hooks for all natural bait. That means any bass caught on a snag treble is an illegally caught fish. While you are still allowed to snag a bunker, you cannot let the bunker swim with the snag in it in hopes that a bass will eat it. You must retrieve the snagged bunker immediately, and as quickly as possible. You are supposed to switch that bunker to a circle hook and send it back out. A number of anglers reported having great success this way. Apparently bunker don’t like being a lone wolf swimming along and do their best to get back to a school, running into hungry bass on the way.
We have also heard good reports of sea bass, small blues, blackfish and even a weakfish, but striped bass have dominated the reports. Why are you still reading this?
Here just a couple of the notable recent catches:
In our headline picture, Jenni snuck out before work and caught some lunkers on the Outta Line. She reported loads of bass in the bunker schools and some albies running around.
@jameskrewson had a morning. Some really big fish in the area. Stay on the move and hunt. Put big swimmers and pencils in your arsenal. Dusk and dawn remain the times..
Scott with a little bass.
Rob Bondira with another bass.
Bob from @yakkityyakskayaks got this weakie on the fly over the weekend. He also got some blues.
Not just big bass being caught, a nice 6.25lb tog caught on a sand flea off the rocks caught by Jorge.
Go easy on Ray this week. He is not OK. He was a huge fan of Murder She Wrote. (Rest In Peace Angela Lansberry)