A Word On Summer Flounder
Another fishing report? Well, sort of. While we try to keep things fun at Grumpys Tackle, we do sometimes have to entertain some serious matters, and this is one of them.
The New Jersey Marine Fisheries Council is working on coming up with the fluke (summer flounder) regulations for 2024. There needs to be a cut of 28% to the summer flounder and there are 6 proposals on the table to achieve that goal. Those proposals are outlined in the table below.

This will affect your fishing this year. If you have any opinion on what you prefer for the summer flounder regulations, you need to make your opinion known. There are three ways:
- Attend the meeting in person and voice your opinion. The meeting will be on March 7, 2024 (5 p.m.) at the Atlantic County Library, Galloway Township Branch, 306 East Jimmie Leeds Rd, Galloway, NJ.
- Send your opinion via e-mail to njmarinefishpubliccomment@dep.nj.gov. They will accept e-mail comments up until March 4th.
- Attend the meeting virtually here. The link to sign up will be made available 3 days prior to the meeting.
Please let the NJMFC know how you feel in whichever way works for you.
So, if you are here to see what the fishing is like, just read yesterday’s report here, as nothing has changed in 24 hours.
And for a serious matter like this, we are going to give Ray a break. (We will make up for it on Thursday, however…)